Monthly Art Challenge / July

July Monthly Art Challenge / Amanda Michele Art



When I planned out these challenges out at the beginning of the year, I set July as “Create Outside” thinking well that will be nice. This year has been a roller coaster and all through these challenges started off strong after a few skipped month thanks to wedding planning coming back in July and starting with a challenge that requires a shift from my usual process was jarring. I was just getting back to normal and now I’m supposed to pack up my stuff and work outside?! You must be joking!


July Monthly Art Challenge / Amanda Michele Art


I had high hopes for this challenge, I saw myself taking trips up to Bear Mountain and painting or sketching on Rockaway Beach. As usual, though reality didn’t live up to expectations and there were no nice little jaunts into nature.

At first, this was pretty discouraging. Why couldn’t I just get up and go and have a day of artmaking and being outside? Of course, it’s hard, but it’s called a challenge for a reason. Still, things just never seemed to work out right. I would plan a day trip and get rained out. I would go to the beach and forget my sketchbook.


July Monthly Art Challenge / Amanda Michele Art


I was starting to feel like this challenge was never going to happen when I thought about cutting myself some slack. I don’t need to take the metro north to get to nature, I have the beautiful Prospect Park just a short walk away.

After that, the challenge opened up for me. You can see the earthiness of the park reflected in each piece. Whether it’s by a waterfall, duck pond or rolling hills I found plenty of inspiration right in my own backyard. And after so much urgency and stress the last few months, it was a pleasant change of pace too.


July Monthly Art Challenge / Amanda Michele Art


Next month, the adventure continues with a new challenge “Rethink Your Materials.” Check out past Art Challenges like “Explore Imbalance” “Find Unexpected Colors” and “Throw it Away.”